

The most interesting subject there is

Everyone has a personal brand (whether they realise it or not) so every audience can benefit from learning more about their own personal brand – no matter how diverse the delegates are. The cherry on the cake is they’ll be learning about one of the most interesting subjects there is: themselves!

With an emphasis on practical take-aways (not just blue-sky thinking) Jennifer’s sessions are insightful, interactive and, thanks to her sassy delivery, entertaining. In the process she’s helped:

  • women to increase their confidence and, with it, their impact.
  • under-represented groups to highlight the value they contribute.
  • high potential employees to raise their visibility with their stakeholders.
  • senior managers to learn how to get better buy-in from their teams.
  • C-suite executives to add the personal touch to their leadership.

Whoever the audience, Jennifer leaves them with their heads buzzing with the realisation they already have a personal brand…they just haven’t tapped into its potential yet.

See Jennifer in action

What’s on offer

Here’s a selection of keynote speeches Jennifer currently delivers:

  • Personal Brand – What? How? Why?
    An introduction to the subject of personal branding, this presentation explains what a personal brand is, why you already have one and how to remain authentic at all times.
  • People Buy People – So Who Are You Selling?
    You want people to buy your personal brand…but what exactly is it? This presentation challenges people to think in a new way about what they bring to the table and what makes them tick.
  • Deliver Your Personal Brand With Impact
    Every time you come into contact with people they’re picking up clues about you. This presentation shares practical tips and techniques to ensure those clues create a positive impression.
  • Articulate Your Achievements
    To get the most from your personal brand you have to shine a light on the value you bring. This presentation helps audiences to set out their credentials in a subtle, yet very effective way.
  • Networking For People Who Need Help Networking
    Some people are natural networkers but many feel less confident, unsure how to kick-start the process. This presentation offers easy-to-implement tips for connecting both in-person and online.

If you’d like to book Jennifer for your event, click the button below and get in touch.

Let’s talk