Want to blow your own trumpet…without sounding like an idiot?

Then you’ve come to the right place

When it comes to personal branding, there are a lot of misconceptions: that you have to fake it to make it (wrong), that it’s all about selling yourself (also wrong) and that you have to fit a mould to be successful (the exact opposite is true).

In reality, personal branding celebrates the fact we’re all different. Our backgrounds, our experiences, our accomplishments: they all contribute to making us unique. Your personal brand sets out that uniqueness, in an authentic way, so you can blow your own trumpet with confidence and let others know what you bring to the table in a way nobody else does.

Watch this video to find out more

Want to find out more?

Develop your staff

Develop your staff

Personal branding celebrates uniqueness. By nurturing and developing your staff’s individuality you’re nurturing and developing your company’s diversity, equity and inclusion.

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Engage your audience

Engage your audience

Everyone has a personal brand (whether they realise it or not) so every audience can benefit from learning more about their own personal brand – no matter how diverse the delegates are.

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Answer your questions

Answer your questions

Personal branding isn't rocket science (we'll leave that to NASA). It's simply that mix of who you are, what you offer and the impact you make, wrapped up in a bow and shared with others.

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Personal Branding For Brits

Read Jennifer's best-selling personal brand book

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Personal Branding For Brits offers a practical guide to creating and promoting your personal brand whilst leaving your credibility and credentials intact. (And the good news is, it’s not just for Brits!)

This book is for anyone who comes from a place where promoting yourself is frowned on. There’s no bragging "Look at me, I'm the best thing since sliced bread" going on here.